
Pseudo-Holography is a display technology developed and patented by psHolix AG based in Switzerland. psHolix owns more than 20 patents, all of them are granted.

The technology is characterized by the following features:

Super-Multiview in real time

No additional memory required

Stereobase Extension in real time>

Anatomy adaptation to the human eye

Artificial Intelligence based technique to dynamic optimize the depth for always the best 3D impression for al viewers (No fuzziness, good depth)

Together these features present a display with the following benefits for every viewer:

No glasses are needed
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Perfect 2D (backward compatible) and crystal-clear 3D quality
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Multiple viewer solution
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Better depth perception and walk around effect
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Much better natural 3D perception
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All content in HD quality
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No need to switch between 2D and 3D
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Stressless 3D viewing over a longer period of time*
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Eliminates the accommodation conflict**
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All autostereoscopic multi-viewer displays upgradable
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No headache and no eye strain

* The anatomical adaptation of our image assists the brain in recognizing the spatiality of the image. The brain can produce a stereoscopic image more easily, thus making depth perception better and easier. With our anatomical adaptation, we simplify the brain’s workload, allowing 3D for a longer time without stress.

** The cause of the accommodation conflict is that the eyes focus on the image on the screen surface. What the eyes see there actually lies a few centimeters / meters behind this screen surface. Thanks to our system and its large number of perspectives – in contrast to only two currently available in stereo imaging – we reduce the effort of our eyes and allow them access to several hundred perspectives. Thus, we no longer irritate the eyes and no conflict arises.

Please contact us for a free demo

You will be surprised about the possibilities

psHolix invented and patented the pseudo-holography display technology. Utilizing this technology, people can awatch real 3D without glasses and can simultaneously watch their 2D content on the same device.

psHolix AG

Wallstraße 8

4051 Basel


psHolix AG, Basel, Switzerland

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